Travel Health
From vaccinations to products that protect against illness, we’ll help you to stay well while you’re travelling.
Anti-Malaria Medications
DMB Chemist Tower Pharmacy
prices from £16
Malaria is spread by mosquitoes and is widespread in many tropical and subtropical areas of the world. It can prove fatal in some cases.
Taking anti-malaria tablets before you visit an at-risk area can significantly reduce your chances of serious illness. You’ll need to start taking these before you travel so that you are protected if you contract malaria.
There are different types of anti-malaria medication, which vary in terms of the active ingredients.
Depending on your travel plans, you may need more than one type of anti-malaria medication for optimal protection.
Our highly-trained team can confirm which anti-malaria medications will be most suitable for your trip.
You can also protect yourself by using insect repellent, wearing long clothing in the evenings and sleeping under a mosquito net.
Insect Repellent
DMB Chemist Tower Pharmacy
prices from £2
There’s nothing like being bitten by pesky insects for turning a dream trip into a nightmare. Whether you’re trying to repel mosquitos or biting insects in general, our range of insect repellents can keep them at bay.
If you’re not sure which insect repellent is right for you, ask one of our expert team members for advice.
Travel Vaccinations
DMB Chemist Tower Pharmacy
If you’re travelling to certain parts of the world, you’re at greater risk of contracting serious diseases if you haven’t been vaccinated against them.
Our travel vaccinations cover:
Japanese Encephalitis
Hep A
Hep A and Typhoid
Combined Meningitis B
Tick-borne Encephalitis
Hep A and Hep B combined
Yellow Fever
Our expert team can help you work out which vaccines you may need. Just let us know where you’re travelling to and we can offer advice on the travel risks and the vaccines you’ll need.
Travel Sickness Products
DMB Chemist Tower Pharmacy
prices from £3
Getting to your destination can be half the fun but not if you struggle with travel sickness. If you often feel unwell when travelling by plane, boat or car, we’re here to help. With our range of travel sickness products, you can manage nausea and look forward to the journey.
If you need help to choose the right products, our expert team are always happy to offer advice.
Got a question or query?
Get in touch with us
Our expert team are on hand to answer queries about prescriptions and offer health advice.