We offer a range of vaccinations to protect against viruses such as flu, chickenpox and shingles. You can also receive travel vaccinations in our pharmacies.
Our friendly, expert team will check that you’re suitable to receive specific vaccinations and answer any questions you may have about them. If you’re nervous about having vaccinations, let us know when you come in. We’re always happy to put you at ease!
Looking for covid vaccinations in Tower Hamlets?
If you’re 12 or over, you’re now eligible for your free Covid-19 vaccine in Tower Hamlets.
Those aged 18 or over can have a booster dose at least 3 months after their second dose. You can pre-book your booster dose online if it's been 2 months since you had your second dose.
Flu Jab
DMB Chemist Tower Pharmacy
private prices from £15
NHS jabs are also available
Flu is more likely to lead to complications if you’re over 50, have chronic health conditions, have weakened immunity, or are pregnant. If any of these apply to you, you can get free flu jabs through the NHS to protect yourself.
Getting the flu jab usually means you will get milder symptoms if you catch flu after being vaccinated. If you become infected with flu and Covid-19 at the same time, you’re far less likely to become seriously ill.
We offer flu jabs to anyone aged over 18. If you’re not eligible for a free flu jab, you can protect yourself through a private vaccination instead.
Travel Vaccinations
DMB Chemist Tower Pharmacy
prices vary
If you’re travelling abroad, you may need certain vaccinations to protect you against diseases that are prevalent in the area. If you’re not sure which travel vaccinations you may need, the NHS Fit for Travel website can help.
It’s best if you have your travel vaccinations at least 4-6 weeks before travelling. This gives the vaccinations plenty of time to provide protection.
Some vaccinations need to be administered in two doses for the best protection and you’ll need to factor this into your plans.
Our travel vaccinations cover:
Japanese Encephalitis
Hep A
Hep A and Typhoid
Combined Meningitis B
Tick-borne Encephalitis
Hep A and Hep B combined
Yellow Fever
DMB Chemist Tower Pharmacy
2 doses from £65 per dose
Chickenpox is a highly contagious viral infection that causes an itchy red rash and fever.
If you didn’t catch it as a child, you could still be affected as an adult. Most people recover in around a week but if you’re elderly, pregnant or have a weakened immune system, chickenpox can cause complications. If you have had chickenpox, you could go on to develop shingles later on in your life.
Then chickenpox vaccination usually consists of two doses, which are given 1-2 months apart. If you receive both doses, you won’t need a booster jab in the future.
DMB Chemist Tower Pharmacy
2 doses from £210 per dose
Shingles is a viral infection and is triggered by the same virus that causes chickenpox. You’ll usually only develop chickenpox once in your lifetime. However, the virus remains dormant in your body and can be reactivated at a later date. If you have never had chickenpox, you’re not considered at risk of shingles.
You’re more likely to develop shingles if you’re older and/or have a weakened immune system. If you are aged 50 and over, getting vaccinated can reduce your risk of developing shingles. If you do develop symptoms of shingles after being vaccinated, they should be milder.
The shingles vacation isn’t suitable if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.

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